Wednesday 9 October 2013

F2: Khancoban to Cooma (ouch)

What a massive, massive day. We made it!!

The stats are as follows:

Distance: 182.2km
Vertical metres: 4,267 (that's half of Mt Everest)
Time in the saddle: 7h01m
Average Speed: 26 km/h
Max Speed: 81.4 km/h
..and the profile is below!

See the ride here.

This morning, Greg, the absolute champion, got up early, went down to the local Khancoban café and got us roomies a coffee. So by 6.07am, we were just waking up to savour the aroma and flavour of freshly brewed flat whites IN BED - GOLD!! That's the kind of camaraderie we love about a trip like this. Town limits and KOMs it's every man and woman for themselves, but at all other times it's about looking after the team.

Due to a rock fall the advertised climb from Khancoban through Tom Groggins and up to Dead Horse Gap to Thredbo and Jindabyne could not happen. We were really looking forward to the reverse of last year's epic stage - but it wasn't to be.

So, instead we took the much longer, much more epic, much more vert, but very pretty route through Cabramurra (Australia's highest town), Adaminaby and into Cooma. Very pretty in so far as beautiful lush green countryside and cattle country to start, followed by alpine bush climbing through masses of snow gums, sunny, warm, no wind, and finally up out of the trees into the leafless ghost gums...and beyond that into the treeless highland grass plains with views across to the remaining now. Just as we crested the first climb, a deer stag ran across the road - that was a first for all of us.

Now let's just say this route busted more than one little F2er - in fact, way more than one...the sag wagon was playing veritable leap frog through the burgs!!

Personally it was probably the 2nd hardest ride I've done after the Marmotte earlier this year. It was only 15k and 800m of climbing less than that French monster of an event.

Gerard rode very well all day, despite having some mechanical issues with his front derailleur. He is no friend of the large hills but there is no doubt that his devotion to Sufferfest training videos has paid dividends with his strength. And he rolled nicely to help get about 4 others home for the last 50k. Big heart and strong.

I was pretty comfortable today...taking all KOMs, Cabramurra and then soloing 30k to take Adaminaby.

Mitch was hurting!! His rear D would not kick into the 25, so he ground out those massive hills and pinches in the 23. Awesome effort and no doubt, he'll be VERY strong as he heads into his next Ironman - his 10th the crazy kid!

Adaminaby came up after about 130k and everyone was pretty tired - so we pulled in to the Bake House and between three of us had:
  • 4 coffees
  • 2 rock cakes with jam
  • 2 sausage rolls
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 potato scallop
  • 1 tuna sandwich
  • a packet of snakes
  • an apple pie, and
  • 5 cokes

It was a good rest up and refuel, then back out on the road for the final 50k. The wind had picked up a lot but by and large it was a big tail wind and that carried some tired legs home to Cooma.

Cooma is my parents-in-law home town. So Greg, GT and I decided that a catch up, combined with a big protein hit were in order...and hence we ducked into town for a steak and sticky date. A couple having dinner at the next table overheard us talking about the ride and Future2 - she donated $20 cash on their way out. Thank you Lyn of Cooma - awesome stuff. Good times.

Bed now - it's looking ugly for the push home to Canberra with a 40-60km/h block head wind and the legs will be sore...

If you haven't had the chance - please support us and Future2 with a small donation.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

F2-0: Roll Away

Wodonga to Khancoban: 136km

It was really great to get into Wodonga last night and see the posse from last year. Ray, Roger, Hari, Susan, Shari, Bindi Pete, Dave, Craig, Jamie, et al - all in fine form. And Jamie has taken on the mantle (set high) of video production this year so no need for me to muck about with that - just ride...

Ged & I dropped the bongo van back in town (not the last thing we'd drop this week - boom-tish...that one's for you AZ) and headed in for a cracking pre-ride feed: Chicken Parmy and Lasagne. I followed with sticky date pudding and ice-cream (carbo loading) and Ged opted for coffee (drug loading!).

This morning was a bit chilly - not bad at about 8 degrees. I struggled between long fleecy leg warmers or lyrca knee warmers; full jacket or vest only, summer undershirt or autumn weight under-tee - these are the big decisions...get too cold at the start and you can get sick; wear too much and then you sweat too much while climbing and then you get cold on the descents and get sick - I'm telling you, it's a full time job working out what to wear. I went for the vest, summer weight undershirt and knee warmers - phew!!

As you will see from the ride link below - it was a lot lumpier than I remember from last year (even though we were going in the opposite direction). In fact, what I remember as a great descent was actually a wall for us going towards Khancoban.

See the ride here: Wodonga to Khancoban

It was a beautiful day. Sunny, warm, light winds (although it was a head wind all day), the bikes rolled well and spirits were high. GT was strong all day, he was happy to work, he pulled big turns, he blocked when he needed to and he lead out at the right times. And THAT, dear readers, got Team Bravien every town limit (bar one) and every KOM. I take full responsibility for the one we missed. I knew the sign was coming up, I was perfectly positioned on second wheel, it was slightly downhill...but I got caught napping, saw the sign in tree shadows way too late and missed it by half a wheel. The redeeming point was that it would have been worth about 1 second. Now considering GT and I rolled over the last 2 burgs and into Khancoban about 10 minutes before the next player means that one sprint was hardly a biggie! (I'm not even sure there was more than one house there.)

Greg Mitchell (spade working in the main peloton) was left behind today. Unknowingly, he tried to bridge solo across to the lead 4 but was badly stuck in no man's land for about 80k. He stopped at Corryong to fuel up for his last 24k with a sausage roll at the bakery...we'll ensure he's with us tomorrow...if he can put the shovel back in the shed.

Now, we've all been swooped by magpies - and today, for many of the team, was no exception. But on top of that, the bunch was swooped by a flock of sparrows and GT and I were swooped by a flock of massive black cockatoos. It was sort of like a scene from travelling birds as both they and us seemed to be in the wrong world - we without wings, and they without wheels - but actually when I think about, we were closer to flying than they were to riding!!

Anyway- great day and we all pulled up well. Tomorrow, 172k and 2,900m of climbing - it's a big, big day. Sleep well comrades - you're going to need it.

P.S: Absolutely top BBQ with white linen at the local park tonight. Put on by Shane O's café. Chapeau to them - the home made cheesecake topped with glazed strawberries had a delightfully magnificent biscuit base that was quite perfect. Yum.

Team Bravien: bikes, horses, whatever!

Monday 7 October 2013


We're off again to raise funds for the Furure2 Make a Difference program by cycling from Melbourne to Sydney. OK, well actually we're peddling from Wodonga to Canberra for us (seeing as we can't do the whole 9 days this year). 

Gerard Tiffen and I made it to Wodonga in the Hertz bongo wagon. It was a fairly cruisy trip down the Hume from Canberra. 

Having done the trip last year and now knowing what to expect meant that there are no nerves. If anything, we are fitter this year - and since Raymond "Rayzor" Griffin is heading home tomorrow (in preparation for Nationals) - the competition is a little thin on the ground anyway. Trailly is in training camp for Grafton to Inverell, Rog is somewhat off form and Bindi Pete is...well...he's Bindi Pete isn't he? 

We lamented the exception of our team mates: T-Bird and AZ. AZ couldn't make the trip this year due to a combination of "work & family commitments" (or fear and lack of preparation). T-Bird is simply lost in the wilderness...

We reminisced about last year's Wheel Classic: the commradery, the good times, the tough times, the climb to Dead Horse Gap, the descents, and smelling the tree blossoms with Susan. We laughed. 

Our steeds were safely strapped into the back and it was reassuring to be able to see them...just in case. 

GTs weapon of choice this year is the Specialized S-Works Venge with Dura-Ace 9000 and 24mm S-Works Turbos on 60mm carbon Rovals. It is an aero speed weapon and GTs role will be to either lead out or finish the sprints for EVERY town limit. The Venge is perfect for such a task. 

I will of course be on the Raptor (Specialized S-Works Tarmac with 40mm carbon Rovals and also rocking the Dura-Ace 9000). He is a proven precision stealth weapon on virtually any occasion...particularly useful at putting others to the sword on climbs...but plenty explosive enough for the sprints too. Lively, light, stiff, stealthy - a very sweet ride. 

Let the riding commence!

Please show your support and donate to this awesome cause by clicking here.